2023年11月– date –
並べ替え問題⑥ (1)お塩を取ってもらえますか?( the salt / could / me / pass / you ), please?(2)妹と私は週末ボードゲームを楽しみます。My sister ( playing / I / and / enjoy / board games ) on weekends.(3)本屋で新しい本を買ったので、... -
空所補充問題⑦ (1)My mother was cooking dinner ( ) my father and I were watching TV.1 while2 through3 among4 once(2)Last weekend, I practiced playing the guitar to ( ) for the concert.1 borrow2 climb3 prepare... -
空所補充問題⑦ (1)I have a sister. ( ) name is Emily.1 She2 Her3 Hers4 She's(2)I often go to the library ( ) my friends.1 with2 under3 about4 in(3)Every night, I write in my ( ) before going to bed.... -
並べ替え問題⑤ (1)私の好きな色は青色です。( is / my / color / favorite / blue ).(2)彼女はプールで泳げます。( in / she / can / the pool / swim ).(3)アン、放課後どこで勉強する?Anne, ( you / after school / study / do / where )?(4...